+1 (843) 966-0359

Body Sculpting

EMSZero Body Sculpting Treatment

Sculpting Confidence, Redefining Beauty.

1. Cutting-Edge Technology:

EMsZero utilizes FDA-cleared, non-invasive muscle contracting technology to induce 20,000 deep and powerful muscle contractions, resulting in a unique and effective body sculpting experience.

2. 2-in-1 Treatment:

EMsZero is a revolutionary 2-in-1 treatment for both fat reduction and muscle building, providing unparalleled results in the industry. It eliminates fat cells while simultaneously sculpting and toning muscles.

3. No Downtime:

The procedure is non-invasive, requiring no recovery time or pre/post-treatment preparation. Clients can return to their normal activities immediately after each session.

4. Targeted Treatment Areas:

EMsZero currently focuses on treating the abdomen for muscle toning and fat reduction, as well as the buttocks for lifting and volumization.

5. Visible Results:

Clients can expect a 19-23% permanent decrease in abdominal fat, a 16% increase in muscle fibers, and a 4-4.5cm lift in the buttocks. Tangible results are noticeable after the first treatment, with maximum results peaking at 3 months.

6. Long-Lasting Effects:

Studies indicate that results in muscle can last a year or more after the initial series of 4-12 sessions, and fat loss results are permanent.

7. Quick and Convenient:

The EMsZero procedure is a fast and efficient 30-minute treatment. A recommended series of 4 treatments, scheduled two times a week for two weeks, is suggested for optimal results.

8. Comfortable Experience:

Clients describe the procedure as feeling like an intensive workout with a pulsing sensation. The intensity can be adjusted for individual comfort, ensuring a tolerable and relaxing experience.

9. Enhancement Sessions:

While maintenance sessions are not required, clients can opt for “enhancement” sessions to take their results further. Some choose to do these quarterly or twice a year to enhance their already great results.

10. Suitable for Everyone:

The EMsZero procedure is suitable for anyone looking to achieve muscle tone and fat loss that may not have been attainable through diet, exercise, resistance training, or other non-invasive body sculpting procedures.